About Us

School Photo Database offers one of the largest freely searchable databases of school photo's on the World Wide Web.

Our database consists of over 90 Million yearbook photo's and group photo's from Universities, Graduations, Colleges, Academies, High Schools, Primary Schools and Secondary Schools from around the globe.

Our Web Site has a 95% success rate and is one of the fastest growing sites on the Internet.

Who we are

School Photo Database was started as a hobby project by Pascal Smits + Joanne Willems in 1994.

Today, there are over 9,000 volunteers in 141 different Countries working to keep our database updated with recent school photo's and a team of researchers working on adding historic images to this website.

If you would like to participate in this ongoing project, please Contact us via the contact form on our site and we will send you the application form.

We welcome new volunteers and are always looking for individuals and organisations who are willing to contribute to grow our database of school images.

School Kids